
Tuesday, July 13, 2004

inspiration, summer vacation schedule, future plans, etc.

ok. 2nd post. im doing fine so far. as u can c from the title, im gonna talk about a few things this time. first of all, inspiration. as i mentioned in my first post, i was taking the train back home from school last night, and it suddenly dawned on me that i, nor anyone else, will remember what i have done in tokyo from october 2003-march 2005. ive been taking pictures almost everyday up until a few months ago, but i stopped doing it everyday because there simply isnt any spice in my life currently. ive visited many blogs of people i know, and every time, i thought, geez, what a waste of time. i failed 2 realize until now that blogging isnt a bragging contest. its not like lets c whos blog site looks better or who has more friends in the blog community. the essential core of blogging, i believe, comes down 2 a simple idea: diary. keeping track of your life and events around u so that 10, 20 years from now, people who care, especially u, will remember what u did. posts might b very mundane, and will most likely b so, but u sure will b having a kick out of reading what u did in the past. so thats my inspiration. i wanted 2 keep track of what i did in japan, and from now on, because i want 2 have a kick out of reading what i did in the past when i reach the state where i cant enjoy outdoor activities. so thanks again 2 lorena 4 introducing me 2 blogspot. some friends pitied me 4 not signing up on livejournal, but hey, i like blogspots looks.

summer vacation schedule. my vacation starts at the end of july until the end of september, 2 months. however, i plan on going 2 the research lab and catch up on what i should have been doing the past 4 months. other than that, some excursions and events i have in plans, not just 4 the summer, r as follows.

7/19-20 hakone
7/20 roppongi
7/21 odaiba
7/24 speech contest in meguro-ku, tokyo
7/25-7/27 wadamura, nagano prefecture meguro unesco retreat
7/31 sumidagawa hanabi
8/7-8/8 fuji-san climbing
8/11-8/12 yabuzuka, gunma prefecture camping
8/20-8/22 kofu, yamanashi prefecture camping
8/23-8/27 kiyosato, yamanashi prefecture english camping
9/9-9/19 kagoshima prefecture homestay
9/25-9/26 honda field trip in tochigi prefecture
10/30 ywca speech contest in tokyo
11/21 speech contest in kobe
1/27-1/28 cultural exchange program at an elem-middle school in aogashima (remote island far, far from tokyo)

sounds like fun, eh? i sure hope i can participate in all of these. oh yeah, i might b doing a part-time job as a korean-japanese-english translation checker. getting paid well 4 it. 1200 yen per hour. and they pay 4 the transportation fees. thats always good in tokyo, if u know what i mean.

future plans. some of u know my future plans, or knew them. ive changed them so many times last couple of months, its not even funny. earlier this year, ive mentioned 2 some friends about my marriage plans, but i think u can rest assured that i wont b doing that any time soon. 4 some time, i thought about studying chinese 4 years at a university in korea, but some people convinced me that thats not a good idea. they said i should go 2 china 2 study chinese. makes sense. so my current plans 4 the next few years is like this. i will go back 2 america in april 2005 after my research program is over. recharge myself and gain some pounds before i come back 2 japan 2 teach english starting july 2005. i can do that 4 up 2 3 years, but im sure my gf wont b 2 happy about that idea, so 4 now, ill just teach 1 year. after i get some money out of that program, i will go 2 dalian, china and study chinese 4 a year. i heard some good things about dalian, so im looking forward 2 going there in 2 years, at the earliest.

i wanna say more things in order 2 fulfill the etc. part of the title, but ill save that 4 later. thanks 4 those of u who read this far. ill hug u next time i c u. beware.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

When you're in Kobe, you best come visit!

1:21 PM  
Blogger Lorena said...

whoa, busy guy! I wish you the best in your plans. It's ok to be organized and have everything settled; participating in lots of activities, but keep in mind that it's not about how many places you went, it's about how much you enjoyed being there.
P.S. You forgot to write down your trip to Korea with us ;)

9:55 AM  
Blogger starGazer said...

thanks 4 everything lorena. if i can go 2 korea with u guys during winter break, ill b sure 2 post it. so, dont worry!

1:45 AM  

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