
Friday, July 16, 2004

etc. et al.

yay, 3rd post.  and i already broke the streak of posting every day.  o well.  a good geek friend of mine complained about my writing style saying that its hard 2 read.  what do all of u think?  at least i comma, period, and stuff, which is way better than my chatting style.  if enough readers complain, ill think about changing my style 2 an immaculate 1. 
o yeah. i still need 2 finish up that etc. part from my 2nd post.  unfortunately, i forgot what i was gonna write.  i guess this teaches me the lesson of writing down stuff when its still in my head.  man, im old.
ive decided just now what my ultimate goal in life will b.  i got an email from a word a day which is a mailing list that i subscribed 2 a couple of years ago in order 2 read good quotes rather than learn a word a day.  its like a junk mail, except that i actually read it before i trash it.  todays word caught my eyes:  polyglot.  anyone know what that means?  according 2 awad, it means:
polyglot (POL-ee-glot)
  1. Conversant in many languages.
  2. Composed of or having several languages. (as in a book, a population, etc.)
  3. Encompassing diversity (as in culture or origin).
  1. One who is competent in many languages.
  2. A book having the same text in several languages.
  3. A mixture or confusion of languages.
[From Greek polyglottos, from poly- (many) + glotta (tongue, language),The words gloss, glossary, and glottis are derived from the same root.]
cool, huh. yeah, i wanna b able 2 speak many different languages.  currently, im fluent in korean and american english, and i would like 2 say im a better-than-intermediate-level japanese speaker.  after im done with my stuff in japan, ill go 2 china 2 study chinese 1 year.  hopefully, ill become proficient at least conversation wise.
some of u know that i teach korean once a week at my dorm.  due 2 a special request, i started recording pronunciations of example sentences i use in class as mp3 files.  if u r interested in checking my voice out, please visit my homepage at  the last link leads u 2 the page of doom.  once u hear them, u will b glad im not a voice actor.
tonight, i need 2 go 2 the narita international airport.  my gf from korea is visiting 4 a week before she locks herself up 1 month 2 study 4 her exam in december.  shes currently a contract teacher 4 1 year.  if she passes the test, she will become a regular teacher with more benefits.
well, i guess i can go on with lots of other things, but im in my research lab now, and i should b doing some work.   i say thanks 2 my faithful readers.  until next time, ciao.


Blogger y 0 k 0 said...

"a good geek friend of mine complained about my writing style saying that its hard 2 read."

yeah, i actually agree with your friend... you substitute words with homophonous numbers. that's where i sometimes find it hard to read.

8:30 AM  

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