
Saturday, July 17, 2004

fun times be had with all

Yo, readers!  Notice anything different?  Well, you will if you keep reading.
Yesterday was pretty fun.  And pretty bad.  Let me elaborate.  My gf and I went to Shibuya and looked around 109, women's fashion mall, and Tsutaya, CD/DVD/video rental and purchasing store like Blockbuster, before I left her all alone to go to an orientation for a camping event I'm participating from the 25th to the 27th.  The orientation took a bit longer than planned, so my gf was not a happy camper.  I gave her my cell phone so that I can call her if something happens, but apparently, she pushed some wrong combinations and ended up calling all these female acquaintances of mine on my recently-called and -received number list.  It's a good thing she had the sense to stop the calls immediately after she noticed that that's not what she wanted to do in the first place.  When I met up with her again, she was tired from waiting and fiddling with the cell phone, so we went back to my dorm and took a nap before we headed out for our night adventure.  Well, stay tuned for the next adventures of MK.  I gotta go out soon.  Gonna have fun at Disney Sea!


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