
Saturday, February 05, 2005

Good news!

I got good news to share! I took the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 1 on 12/5 last year, and I got the results back today. Guess what? I PASSED it!!!!! Although I bombed the kanji section, I almost got perfect on listening and did well on reading/grammar as well. 70% (280 points) is the minimum for passing. Below is the detailed results.

文字・語彙 (Writing/Vocabulary) 66/100
聴解 (Listening) 97/100
読解・文法 (Reading/Grammar) 177/200
総合点 (Total Score) 340/400


Blogger y 0 k 0 said...


12:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

u r a nerd mooki...

5:59 PM  

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