
Thursday, July 29, 2004

7/18 Disney Sea

Hello, everyone. It's been a long time since I last wrote. I got lots of events to write about. Well, this post is about what happened on 7/18.

Remember that on 7/17 everyone met up for dinner in Shinjuku. Muk and my gf were planning to go to Disney Sea all along, and the little trip talk came up during the dinner, and Ai suddenly got interested in it and said she wanted to go with us. There was no reason to refuse, so we said yes.

We decided to meet up at Disney Sea at 3 p.m. because it's cheaper from 3 p.m. on. 5500 yen vs. 4500 yen. Anyway, Ai and Muk were planning to visit Hata-sensei's house in Chiba prefecture in the morning, so I thought my gf and I could do the same and go to Disney with them together. So, my gf and I left for Hata-sensei's place in the morning. On the way to Kemigawahama station, I got an e-mail from Ai that she couldn't get in touch with Hata-sensei's wife, Yaeko-san, and that she and Muk were walking around Shibuya. Ai added that they would come to Disney Sea at 3 p.m.

After we arrived in Kemigawahama, I tried calling Yaeko-san with no avail, so we bought some food from the konbini, Japanese for a convenience store, and ate nearby the station. I don't remember how, but my gf and I got into an argument after eating lunch, so I left her and walked south, toward the sea. I thought she would follow me, but it turned out that she didn't. From the map I saw by the station, the sea seemed to be about 15-minute-walking-distance away, but it took me about 30 minutes to get there. I took some pictures and looked around the yacht harbor, and I got another e-mail from Ai that she and Muk won't come to Disney Sea because they couldn't get in touch with Yaeko-san. I was kind of angry, but I thought oh well. Then, I got a call from my gf who was still nearby the station, telling me to come back as soon as possible, in a not-so-friendly voice. I wasn't too pleased with her conduct either, so I took my time looking around and taking pictures before I headed back to the station. Don't forget that I've been trying to get in touch with Yaeko-san all along as well. I finally got back to the station, and saw my gf noticing me. The problem was Yaeko-san answered my phone call, and she said she was back home. Without telling my gf anything, I turned back and walked toward Yaeko-san's house, and my gf followed me, as I knew she would. I got to the apartment complex and waited for my gf to arrive.

When she saw me waiting, she suddenly shouted out "Hey!" in Korean. She was furiously shouting out what the heck was going on and what I was doing walking away without talking to her what it was about. Although no one was around, I'm sure people inside the apartment heard her yell like a crazy woman in Korean. I got mad in return and told her that I'm going inside Yaeko-san's house and that she doesn't have to come in if she didn't want to. I didn't expect her to enter anyway. I gave Koreanseasoned seaweed to Yaeko-san as an omiyage, Japanese for a gift, and told her I had to go back. Yaeko-san insisted that I should stay for a cup of tea, but I succeeded in getting out of there quickly in the end.

My gf was nowhere in sight, so I assumed correctly that she went back to the station. When I caught up to my gf and told her we were going back home instead of Disney Sea because Ai and Muk weren't coming, she told me to call Ai and ask why they were breaking the promise. I told her to no avail that Ai wouldn't answer my calls because she almost always doesn't, but my gf wouldn't have any of that. So, I had to call Ai several times on our way back home. Inside the subway, my gf started saying many different things to me in a loud voice, not minding those around her and me. One comment pissed me off so much I just stood up and went to the other car of the train. She had said that she couldn't understand why I hang around with such lowly people. It would have been OK if she were just badmouthing me, but I couldn't stand her badmouthing my friends. After we got off the subway, we walked back home in silence. In the end, Ai didn't call back or answer my calls.

So, that's the Disney Sea story folks. We never even got close to Disney Sea on 7/18. Stay tuned for our trip to Hakone.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

like tumbler and tipsy days hopefully we will remain in high spirits. well, good day

5:27 PM  

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