
Thursday, February 03, 2005

I've been a very BAD boy...

Hello, readers!

As you might/might not have noticed, I haven't been updating my blog for a long, LONG time. There are several reasons behind this outrageous deed.

First, I've lost the will to continue documenting my daily life. When I started blogging, I didn't think it was a big deal because I've read other people's blogs, and they are updated pretty regularly. Apparently, I thought wrong. Maintaining a blog is TOUGH work! I realized (again) that I will never be successful as a writer.

Second, I've been busy (kinda) for the past few months, studying for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test Level 1, applying for the JET Program (again), homestaying in Miyazaki, going to Aogashima (a small island 360km south of Tokyo) to teach kids about Korea, and what not. Yeah, I know this is the most used excuse, but it works every time. Right?

Finally, I'm the laziest person I know. People who know me well know this fact. But, I can't emphasize enough how lazy I am. There have been countless times I chose watching TV over updating my blog. I know this post will probably be followed by a long absence of posts, but I hope I will pick up my pace and be like Y.I. (I hope you recognize your initials!)

Now, if I can just bring myself to copy my Kagoshima diary that I started in October...


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