
Friday, June 10, 2005

My sexy new partner will arrive soon!

I just ordered my first Mac!

After about a month of pondering, advice from friends, researching online, I finally switched! I've been a PC user since 1991, but recently, Windows and MS software have been giving me a few headaches, so I've been trying different solutions such as using Firefox. Also, I knew I wanted to buy a laptop before going to Japan, and there are so many different PC brands and options that I was kind of wary of buying a PC.

After considering a Mac, it soon became an obvious choice. I will be mostly free from things plaguing Windows and Internet Explorer such as spyware because Mac OS X has better security. I can try out new things on a totally different OS, and the time to try out new things is just right because I will probably have lots of free time in Japan. Also, Apple's laptop is just plain sexy! Just look at the picture below, and you will know what I mean.

PowerBook G4 15" Posted by Hello

Several friends advised me not to buy a Mac because it's not a PC and because Steve Jobs recently announced that Macs will be switching to Intel processors starting next year. Price was another factor that kept me from making the decision quickly. At $1999.99, the 15-inch PowerBook G4 that I ordered is not a cheap deal.

However, I'm not regretting my purchase at all, and I'm really looking forward to playing with my new toy which might arrive as early as 6/18. Oh yeah, I ordered iWork '05 as well, which consists of Pages and Keynote 2, similar to MS Word and Powerpoint. As you can see, I'll be doing some exciting computing with non-MS software for a long time, hopefully.

I will post pictures of my PowerBook as soon as it arrives. Stay tuned.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Veni, vidi, vici!

9:32 PM  

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