
Wednesday, June 15, 2005

JET Contract

While we all wait for my Powerbook to arrive, I'll quote some parts of importance in my contract.

Period of Contract

- Your contract is for the period beginning on July 25, 2005 and ending on July 24, 2006.

Job Description

- The ALT shall perform duties as specified by the Supervisor and/or Principal of the board of education and/or school, as specified below:

I. Assist in foreign language instruction at junior and/or senior high schools.

II. Assist with foreign language education at primary/elementary schools.

III. Assist in the preparation of teaching materials, and to assist with foreign language ability contests.

IV. Assist with seminars for current foreign language teachers.

V. Assist with special and extra-curricular activities.

VI. Assist with local international exchange activities.

VII. Other duties accepted as necessary by the Supervisor or the school Principal.


- You will receive an annual remuneration of 3,600,000 Japanese yen, after the deduction of any applicable Japanese income tax or resident taxes.

(This amounts to about $36,000 per year.)

- The renumeration shall be paid on the 21st day of each month.

Travel Expenses

- Your travel expenses to Japan will be provided. Your return travel expenses, however, will be provided on the condition that 1) you have completed your Japan Exchange and Teaching (JET) Programme contract, 2) you do not enter into a subsequent contract with the Prefecture or a third-party in Japan, and 3) you leave Japan to return to your home country within one month of completing your JET Programme contract.

Hours, Holidays, and Leave

- The JET shall perform duties thirty-five hours a week exclusive of break time.

- The JET duty hours shall be from 8:30 A.M. to 4:15 P.M. from Monday to Friday, with Saturday and Sunday as days on which the JET is not required to perform duties. The time from 12:00 P.M. to 12:45 P.M. shall be designated as break time; that time may be utilised as the JET desires.

- The days identified in the following items shall be holidays for the JET:

I. Japanese national holidays (those defined by Article 3 of the Japanese National Holiday Law [Showa Year 23 Law #178])

(There are currently 15 national holidays. January (2), February (1), March (1), April (1), May (3), July (1), September (2), October (1), November (2), December (1).)

II. New Year's holiday (the period from December 29th to January 3rd of the following year)

- During the period of contract stated in Article 4, the JET can take twenty days of yearly paid leave, individually or consecutively. This yearly paid leave may be taken in hourly units.

- The maximum period of sick leave to be used at one time shall not exceed a total of twenty consecutive days....

- The JET shall be allowed 5 days of special summer leave.

Financial Assistance

- The Prefecture will not subsidise the JET's rent. However, the Prefecture will provide the following assistance towards JET set-up costs:

I. Deposit Depending on requirement, up to:
120,000 yen for a deposit of three-months' rent
80,000 yen for a deposit of two-months' rent
40,000 yen for a deposit of one-month's rent

II. Estate Agent's Fee/Key Money
Depending on requirement, up to one-month's worth of rent (40,000 yen).

III. Set-up Costs
50,000 yen will be given to the school to set-up the new JET's apartment.


Blogger y 0 k 0 said...

your salary & benefits are too good! no wonder many of the JET people stick with it more than a year. :) have fun~

7:04 PM  
Blogger starGazer said...

Well, it's certainly pretty good in Japan. I'm not sure how they compare with a teaching job in America.

It seems like you have settled down in Philly. Have fun over there!

2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So much English in your Blog is spinning my eyes! Anyway, seems like you're quite well blended in to the Japanese Society. Well, good luck with JET program.

9:02 AM  
Blogger Emily K said...

I've never read anyone else's contract but my own. The differences are interesting. My supervisor just set my new contract in front of me, and I'm reading it through again before I sign, in part to make sure no one at the BoE has made any sneaky ninja changes, and in part to confirm that I don't get special summer holiday leave. Now that I see how it's worded in your contract, I know for sure: no Obon days for me. :( I'd kind of hoped that they were hidden somewhere in Showa Year 23 Law #178.

My contract also says nothing about the BoE paying for my housing, but in reality they pay a set amount of my rent every month (in my old apartment in teachers' housing this subsidy covered my entire rent; now that I live in a regular apartment I pay about 10,000 yen each month). But when I changed apartments I had to pay the full deposit and key money which was the equivalent of three months' unsubsidized rent. :/ At least I'll see the deposit again.

There's a strange clause that reads, "Except for commuting, the JET shall not operate a motor vehicle for duty-related matters without the permission of the Supervisor." Fortunately, this has never been an issue, and I drive my car during work hours wherever I need to without asking for special permission. Otherwise that would be kind of a pain.
"I want to go to the bank. Is that okay?"
"Yeah, go ahead; be careful."
"Thanks. Is it okay if I go by car?"
"Yeah, go ahead; be careful."

Good luck on the coming year.

3:00 AM  

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