
Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Happy New (Dog) Year!

Wow, it's been 3 months since I last updated my blog. Now that I think about it, I shouldn't have started this blog at all. I was pretty bad at keeping a diary when I was an elementary school kid, and I guess I can't grow out of old habits.

Well, nothing much has happened since I last wrote. I wake up at at 7, take a shower, have a light breakfast if I had bought something from the convenience store the night before, go to school, make lessons or team-teach classes or surf the Internet, study kanji for the Kanji Proficiency Test (now studying Level 7), come back home some time after 4, watch TV, eat dinner, watch TV or play PS2, and sleep. Repeat the cycle 5 days a week. Sleep past noon on weekends.

I haven't traveled much on weekends and holidays because I'm trying to save money. I went to Miyazaki for 2 weeks to spend the end of the year and greet the new year with my girlfriend's family, and the roundtrip expenses cost me about $700. Long distance relationship in Japan sucks.

I got a little more than 2 weeks until I have to make the decision to renew my contract or not. After much consideration, I have decided not to renew the contract and go back to America in August. What will I do in America? Well, if things go all right, I might be able to secure a job before I go back. If not, I will start job hunting.

Well, I guess this is enough writing for one day. Hopefully, I won't neglect the blog too long.


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